On this map I see a Rastafarian llama with a duck for an ass and tail.
The Nederlands is the duck.
On this map I see a Rastafarian llama with a duck for an ass and tail.
The Nederlands is the duck.
Excel wouldn’t stop converting sku numbers to date formats. IT guy was excited to share an “easy fix” for that with Open Office…
When I saw his genuine excitement as he described Linux, plus the security it provided I realized, if I ran Linux I’d have the best support in the company. And I did.
I eventually had to move on from Linux at work after 10yrs or so but it’s all I run at home.
All because of Excel and those fucking date codes. Which yes, Open Office solved as advertised.
And yes I know you don’t need Linux for that but it was a long time ago.
I find that last bit true with non-thong underwear as well.
It’s absolutely ridiculous how hard the school systems make it to get on a bus route.
You basically have to stay at the same residence and at the same school for their entire education. Even just moving within the district and they use it as an excuse to “put you on a wait list”.
Add in the shortage of drivers (who wants that job) and any excuse they can use to change boundaries or cut a route.
It’s like the fucking DMV on steroids.