Tasty tasty plant snot
Tasty tasty plant snot
Call me crazy but I wear gloves when cleaning toilets
Some sink plungers have a collapsible flange hidden inside
When I said “emulsified with garlic” I was trying to convey the idea that the garlic is the emulsifier. “Oil emulsified by egg with garlic added for flavor” is not an aioli by its rigid definition, but it does fit the american colloqual use
Aioli is “garlic and oil” by translation. By definition aioli is a spread made from oil emulsified with garlic, which mixing garlic into mayonnaise does not achieve. That said, the colloquial use of aioli to refer to just about any thick smooth spread is well on its way to changing that. Pedants like me can fight it all we want, but languages evolve. It’s just what they do.
If your goal is just to prevent glare from direct sunlight? Maybe a purely passive diffuser is what you’re looking for
I think this commenter is trying to say that the nominal size of a 2x2 is 2" by 2" (and it looks like they typo’d nominal to “normal”)
The actual size of a 2x2 is 1.5" by 1.5", and OP incorrectly calls these dimensions nominal
John Goff (his friends call him Jack)
Pizza is a very fatty, often greasy food, and acidic taste balances out greasiness in the mouth
Another great lazy meal is hummus. process together a drained + rinsed can of chickpeas, a couple tablespoons of tahini, the juice of half a lemon, salt + spices, and however much water it takes to get the texture you like. Smear it on a plate, maybe add a puddle of olive oil with some herbs sprinkled over, and wipe it up with pita.
A real cheat code here is when you truly can’t find it in you to cook, have some easy heat and eat meal or something and then plan + prepare tomorrow’s dinner.
Microwave burrito + take chicken out of the freezer for tomorrow
I’ll be “Always-knows-what-that-weird-pain-is Man”
Absolutely. Long dry brine is the preferred method, but if you just remember an hour before it’s rime to cook, it’s better to wait until just before it goes in the pan.
If you don’t have the time (or the foresight) to salt it hours ahead, the next best alternative is to salt RIGHT before cooking. If you salt 10-30 minutes before, osmosis will draw moisture out of the meat, which will then either be wiped away or evaporated. Salting hours ahead of time gives the moisture time to diffuse back into the meat with the salt it dissolved.
Not a fruit i know, but if you like pineapple on pizza you might also like pickled onions on pizza