Made me feel sick
Made me feel sick
I use Soho, supports custom domain, plenty of good features, it’s like £12 a year and EU based / privacy focused.
I remember in early secondary school there was a weird desktop that would briefly flash during the login process. A friend and I decided to keep logging out and in and furiously click around to see if we could access it, one of the times we did it and that desktop session stayed, there wasn’t anything special about it besides a blank windows command prompt, we closed it…
Cut to the school computer systems being down for over a day and noone knowing why, felt pretty scared of being found out over the following week!
Off to a festival this week so it’s the one time I’d rather it not bloody rain!
Oh my goodness it could just be this, I stupidly did so when away on Monday, left aircon on of all things!
To my hayfever suffering friends, I apologise.
I’ve not had hayfever before but for the last 48 hours I’ve had a scratchy throat and dry/sticky eyes… So I think I’ve finally succumb to hayfever and I am barely starting to understand the frustration that all of you long-time sufferers have lived with!
I’ve been with Cushelle tubeless for quite a while now and it feels as pleasant as a wipe could be