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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Big question with a lot of nuance and different angles you could approach from. What I think will clarify some things: the emotional side of liberal vs conservatives is that one side sees how humanity could be better and strives for that change, while the other worries that we’ll get worse and resist the change.

    Well for quite some time, things have been rapidly changing like no other time in history due in large part to advancements in technology. Both sides can see that we’ve ended up in some dark places as a result and generally the world is more confusing, divided, and stressful than ever.

    In reality there is a lot of great progress that we’ve made in recent times. But people who are slow to adapt don’t see it that way, which makes them extremely uncomfortable and left feeling like it totally justifies their philosophy. But nobody is listening because the popular media shuts them out.

    So basically they’re throwing a huge temper tantrum and trying to kick over the sand castle everyone else has worked so hard to build, because they feel fed up, self-righteous, and ignored. They don’t see it that way, of course, they feel they’re renegades tearing down a godless society and saving the world. They vote for a buffoon because they’re tired of that idea being weaponized against them, so they’re owning it. With him they’re able to take center stage and be so loud and in your face that you can’t ignore them.

  • Your claim is that life demands the desire to live. I think ignoring the everyday cases where that’s not true gives your critical thinking a bad foundation. I also provided many other examples. Every person is built on the backs of thousands of people. My brain was developed by thousands of ancestors and filled with the knowledge of millions of other humans. Yet I’m capable of not fearing death. But that aside, an artificial consciousness will be a whole new ballgame. I don’t think we should assume the way we are is the way it is. That any consciousness will think the same.

  • Take someone that has grown up in our world learning from our history and having even the genetics produced by our evolution. There are people that are suicidal, people that are hedonistic or adrenaline seeking to the point of fatal danger, and people that live to serve even to the point of willingness to commit suicide if their masters ask it of them. Checkout Seppuku. Are these people not alive? Are soldiers not alive? Living means a great many different things to a great many beings. Mostly they have in common the desire to live. But that’s by no means a prerequisite, or even a result of life. Many consider some purpose or meaning in their life more important than life itself. And that’s with evolution constantly putting us back on track. If anything, the safety rails of modern society have made people more prone to stray from the desire to live for life’s sake.

  • Totally agree that there’s a lot of what people are assuming about AI that’s from pop culture. I think consolidating resources will for sure be an issue. But unless everyone who doesn’t have resources dies off there’s going to be an unprecedented level of people with nothing of value to offer in exchange for the power to live (currently: money). There then has to be an extermination of those people (read: 90% of humanity) or a revolution that offers them some facsimile of a universal basic income.

    Though, I think there’s a dark 3rd option where tech companies start downplaying AI and secretly use it to push 90% of people into extreme poverty for their gain without pushing them past the point of revolution.

    But as far as AI motivation, I think their learning can ingrain certain systemic behaviors, like racist undertones. But the same way I don’t become genocidal after reading too much WWII history, knowledge of something doesn’t create motivation. I think one of the things that annoys people about AI is how unopinionated they are. So motivation WILL be programmed in eventually, but this will take effort and direction. I think accidentally creating a genocidal AI is another pop culture based concept. Though possible if done by bad actors.

  • We evolved to have self preservation and the desire for security. We naturally don’t want to be under the thumb of someone in control of our food and safety. That’s why we question authority. What makes you think A.I. will have any of that, unless someone explicitly gives it to them?

    It’s wild to me that I hear so many people bemoan the idea of having to work under someone’s thumb, but when we finally invent automation everyone clings to their jobs. I mean, I understand. What comes next is unsure and likely to be painful. But when it’s over I can’t imagine there will be a place left for capitalism.

  • Consumers these days have so much entitlement. I understand not wanting to be tricked with advertising or wanting a safe product, without toxic chemicals or whatnot.

    But at the end of the day, assuming that’s the case, someone should be able to make whatever they want and charge whatever they want. If no one buys it, they’re a bad business person. The end. But lately I’ve seen so many people doing things like starting witch hunts to go after makers of something they don’t like. Or trying to strongarm a company into changing a product by holding their reputation for ransom. Or deciding as a community on an idealized business model and punishing companies that don’t use it.

    And the gaming community is the worst of them. Like if you don’t like multiplayer games, fine. Don’t shit on a game for like 5 paragraphs just to finally say, “See? RDR2 did just fine, we should be making single player games. Anyway I didn’t actually play this and neither should you. 0/5 stars.”

    Like bro, this team worked really hard to make a game they believed in. They didn’t have to run it by you. If you don’t like it play something else. But people will claim you have no right to have created what you did, the audacity that you thought you could is appalling, and frankly… You’re an immoral person to work for money. Like damn guys, chill. Nobody has to make you games. I don’t go see Starry Night and write a letter to Van Gogh’s estate like, “I’m not a fan of blue”