Seems like you can’t find a robo vacuum without a camera these days, anyone not running is asking for trouble.
Seems like you can’t find a robo vacuum without a camera these days, anyone not running is asking for trouble.
The Mk4 made up a lot of ground, but I agree they are a pricey option. Personally I was able to justify the price by the benefits of open source, if the company disappears tomorrow I’m confident the open source community could continue issuing firmware/slicer updates.
If open source is a big deal for you I would look into Prusa, they have a great track record and a lot of other companies are using forked versions of their slicer. I have a Prusa MK3s and absolutely love it. I had a self sourced RepRap before this and compared to that it absolutely “just works”. I bought the multi color add on and was expecting it to be very finicky, but other than some initial filament loading issues (have to make sure the end of the filament goes to a point) I absolutely love it.
There are some truly great apple products, so I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss them all as terrible. But they are overpriced across the board. They also have a habit of anti-consumer practices like giving you a worse experience if you don’t exclusively use apple products.
Reality is stranger than fiction
Is this your brain on AI?
Their biggest problem is they have to brainwash their users into thinking their product couldn’t have just been an app.
I’m basically running this setup with Unraid as my hypervisor. It’s definitely doable, but takes a lot of tinkering to get everything up and running and games with super strict anti cheat won’t run at all. I would only recommend going this route if you really enjoy tinkering, I’d say finding a cheap second hand PC for your NAS is probably much less work.