Tell your boyfriend if he STILL has beef that over time it’s gonna give him heart disease.
Ya found me! 💕
Plants don’t have nerve endings, nervous systems or brains to process fear/pain. There is no comparison between 🐔’s & 🥔’ s.
Eating 🥩 because you enjoy it is the moral equivalent of watching 🐶 fighting because you enjoy it.
Feeding a cow for years, then killing it for only a handful of meals is wildly inefficient. ♻️
Studies link meat to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.🫀
Beans are cheap af. 💵
Tell your boyfriend if he STILL has beef that over time it’s gonna give him heart disease.
I feel for you and I’m sorry you also are going through it. I don’t blame you for taking umbridge with this all. But I also live in constant pain as well, after a dog attack a few years ago I can’t walk for more than an hour at a time, laying sitting and standing all hurt and even with pain meds, I can only get to a dull ache. I can’t work and the life I had before is gone, it was such shit trying to prove to skeptical condescending doctors saying just to do stretches and it will get better, but… Here I am still waiting.
So while I feel where you are coming from with this time of chronic pain, I am ready to deal with this and other life debilitating conditions if I also get to feel like it was to run again, to climb, to see through the eyes of an athlete. To be able to walk normally and enjoy events again. I’d take my own pain and yours again to feel human again.
Honestly, those are all selling points. I’d love to understand how a coma patient thinks a few months in, a few years in and a few decades in. What it’s like to die in war in the year, 700, 1700 & 2700. To die as a newborn and then eventually see how those very parents are affected. So long as it is randomized and I’m statistically likely to see something radically different tommorow, I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of the human experince.
What was life like for ever human that has ever existed? I’d like to see every single day start to finish from their perspective, sorted as randomly as possible.
The worst part of traditional immortality is being stuck as you, I’d like to experience the entire library and range of human experinces. It would eventually know how it started and how it all ended, while seeing every perspective that got us there. They’d be a lot of days toiling in a field, a lot of days in office cubicles toiling in excel, but most importantly I’d see the small victories and tragedies that make up every life. I think that’d be the real beauty.
Well, this sort of thing is honestly above any social media’s pay grade, so I will only tell you what I did after talking with my therapist
I know how this feels and I’m sorry you are going through it too. After the only member of my family who was even remotely kind to me died (and even that was an abusive relationship), I cut off contact with everyone else related to me and my life has only improved. It’s been about 6 years now but i am much happier for it, no judgement, no yelling, no control, life is just… quieter.
You can’t control how others act, and your father has had several decades to reconsider. At a certain point, you should just protect your own well being and go no contact.
Being a part of your life is a privilege, not a right.
Dec 31st 1949.
I’m a queer woman, so these sort of time travel questions boil down to preserving as many rights as I can.
I’m laying on my side in bed, so… I guess I jump two feet in the air, fall, make a big sound, probally bounce off and break some stuff and then have back problems all day.
Oh yeah, this is super standard. Honestly I had to scroll down to find what was even notable to you about this picture. I live in a major city and basically every store I go in to looks identical to this.
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Not quite emails, but its the same idea…
My mother will walk all around the house with her phone blaring some 30+ minute tiktok ad. She is fully aware that it is an ad, but something at the start promised an answer to … something… and now she HAS to know what it is. She complains about having to wait so long to get to the end and calls everything in the middle nonsense, and the answer she always gets is “buy thing X” but… she does it anyways. A lot. She isn’t super interested in actually watching documentary since that requires paying attention, and with this she can just set it to the side while washing dishes or something.
We’ve given up on telling her that ads exist to sell things, she views them as “mini biased documentaries” which… I suppose is sorta accurate. But it still confuses the hell out of me.
I really don’t see the appeal of paperbooks anymore. Ebooks are infintly more practical. Lightweight and easily fillable with endless content. Why would I ever want to lug around a single novel when I can just slide my entire library in my purse?
I’ve heard from an optometrist that Amazon paperlites solve the eye strain issue. Specfically asking “Why do you hate your eyes?” when I told him I read via a tablet.
The only downside is giving Amazon money…
It’s not a question of policy. Republicans literally killed people last election trying to overthrow democracy.
Not that I even like democrats, but anyone who votes red after Jan 6th is fundamentally an enemy of democracy.
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I cast feather fall every morning apparently.
Oh sure! I’m taking 150 mg Setraline, which is a generic brand of Zoloft. I did have insurance troubles a few months back and ran out, which wasn’t fun but no pain. I just got to show my new girlfriend how anxious,
catastrophizing and lethargic I was before we met.🙄🎉
I also use Mirtazapine to help me sleep, (because at night is when I rue and obsess over problems) and take Hydroxyzine as needed when I am feeling anxious. The only side effect I have is that most tend to make me sleepy, BUT since I permanently exist with coffee in my hand it’s manageable.
I do feel for ya thou, I’m the lucky one in my family. Both my sisters took a year or two to find medication that works for them and Serta was only my second. And a old old old GF did have a sertonine crash when she trying meds. It’s often a tough journey, but I can say that all 4 of us are doing much better overall once we found the right meds. I hope this helps!
Because it’s a very silly question, one that I’m not going to entertain because…
Do you really think this person is out renting a steam roller? And trying to find the street address of that person now?!
You are steching so hard to call this a violent threat when it could not be more silly. You’re not motivated by “preventing violence”, because the entire premise here is ridiculous at face value. You’re motivated by wanting to call trans people unstable.
Go tell your friends, your boss, your family you stopped someone from getting killed by a steam roller by saying “tut tut, ur crazy” on the internet. You know damn well they are gonna laugh at you.
🐊 😭
You’re reaching and you know it.
How dare you be upset when you are insulted!
Really? Jokes about steam roller counts as violence? Those Looney Toon be a real scary show for ya? Wild they make it for kids.
Shame on you. Feign your mock outrage and cry those crocodile tears, for the rest of us are laughing at the sad transparency.
I thought it would be a clickbait title… But… No.
That is seriously their plan. What an absolute failure of health and safety.