Had an old colleague who kept abbreviating ‘follow up’ as ‘f/up.’
“Yeah we should be okay, I’ll f/up on that later today.”
“Hey are you able to f/up on this?”
“Hey, I f/uped with our boss today on our issue.”
The article says she has yet to find the job.
Good luck finding someone to hire you for only two months as punishment for abuse. I’m sure they’re scrambling for predetermined extremely short term employment from a toxic pile.
I enjoy it. I like seeing what new bands or songs got my attention, the throwback to favorite songs from earlier in the year, and seeing how my tastes change over time. It’s fun.
Between all of the other big tech firms eating as much of my data as they can, I’m not too worried about Spotify sharing that I like Adele.
Hey baby, are you DNA helicase?
Cause you can unzip my genes.
Didn’t similar shit get Microsoft hit with antitrust lawsuits?
The eventual key gouge down the side is gonna look great though.
I use YouTube more than any streaming service and it was nice to get those perks. I am just waiting for the perks to be revoked and sold back to me one chunk at a time.
Right, the far-left liberal ideals of national-conservative populists.
You know, that thing that totally exists somewhere other than paranoid brains damaged by leaded gasoline.
Putting a lot of optimism in the word ‘accidentally.’
Whatever isn’t sold off for long term care, which won’t be much.