Many sinks do not have overflow drains.
Many sinks do not have overflow drains.
Not a hypothetical: Hostess folded, as did Yellow trucking. Unions can’t save a business from bad business decisions or destructive market forces.
But businesses fold all the time, union or no union. When business is good, unions make sure the employees get a fair piece of that.
Girls are made to feel unwelcome in chess environments at a very young age. Of course once many drop out because of cultural pressure, the remaining small sample size will have less spread than the larger population of men who have been made welcome in chess environments their whole lives.
It’s not just visual deepfakes, either. There are large language models out there now that can be trained on a person’s writings to chat “in their style”. Having such a model act like an acquaintance but prompted to express love and/or NSFW fantasies is a similar moral area to the deepfakes visual porn.
It’s important for vote counts to to be independently checked. Having who voted publicly available means an investigative journalist can prove the county clerk’s claim that dead people voted and so they can’t certify the election is false. Or catch attempts at fraud. Both as a double-check on government in the case of officials who are lying or have acquired false beliefs, or as outside help if the issue isn’t caught internally due to under-resoucing.