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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • My aim is to replace Biden with someone who can actually win. Bidens team is on the offensive trying to claim he’s got the best shot but that’s a load of hot garbage. I think you’d be surprised at how many people voted for anything not trump last time around. This time around his cognitive decline has become so blatantly obvious that by even defending it you destroy the democratic party’s credibility and as a result become Trumps real enabler. The election will be decided by a few swing states and a small number of undecided voters living in those states. Telling them they are wrong about what the see and hear from Biden is gaslighting plain and simple. If democrats want to differentiate themselves as the morally superior party then lying out of fear isn’t a good look. The situation is what it is. The best chance they have is to replace Biden as soon as possible. Every day that passes decreases the nominees chances. Also, I really hope they hold a primary vote because just telling voters they get Vice President Harris makes this feel less like a democracy and will definitely alienate enough voters to throw the whole election.

    Final thought, as long as we have a two party system nothing will really get better. The best we can hope for is not worse. It’s very telling that so many democratic congress people are afraid to challenge the party. If an elected representative is afraid to act on their conscience then it’s obvious we don’t have a real democracy.

  • I don’t know anything about this particular waterfall but the existence of a pipe doesn’t mean anything nefarious here. It definitely doesn’t have to mean water was pumped up there unnaturally. It could be that a short segment of pipe was used to keep a river flowing under a segment of rock to control flooding or erosion. I’m not saying that’s what it is but on its face this is a non story without context or evidence of water being pumped.

  • I’m split on this concept. Assuming we can’t get away from tracking I would prefer a company like Google over a company like Meta. Google doesn’t sell your data, they just serve ads based on what data they have. Meta and other data brokers will sell your data to whoever ponies up the cash. I’m not happy about being tracked either way. I just recognize one system is considerably worse than the other. Also, if (and this is a big if) Google honors your request to delete your data then I believe it would be even less of a concern. Right now I have my Google data set to auto delete after three months. Ideally that would be enough data to help with traffic suggestions etc while serving up relevant ads but not enough to build an invasive profile. Realisticly we need more laws outlining how our data can be used and ensuring that it’s not retained in ANY form after a set period of time or when it’s deletion is requested.

  • I’ve had prime since almost day one. Lately I’ve been trying to reduce my dependency on Amazon which isn’t easy when you’re already paying them in advance for shipping just to keep prime video and a few free games and ebooks. This was the push I needed to finally sever that tie and release myself from their trap. This could be the start of a good thing for a lot of people. Prime has been an effective competition blocking lock-in scheme for too long. It’s end result is it’s ability to keep prices high because they are the sole gatekeeper. Good riddance Amazon.

  • The stock market and publicly traded companies. The idea that a business that is making consistent profits isn’t good unless those profits are increased each quarter is asinine. This system of shortsighted hyper focus on short term quarterly growth for the sake of growth is the cause of so much pain and suffering in the world. Even companies with amazing financials will work to push workers compensation down, cut corners and exploit loopholes to make sure their profits are always growing. Consistent large profits aren’t good enough.