A fake bitcoin wallet
Cryptography nerd
A fake bitcoin wallet
The main program is open, but the development tools are not
Besides all the other stuff mentioned, you can invite them to stuff occasionally and prepay everything. Make it a family event if you want to.
Plenty of family subscription services too (including for some of those your listed), although distance limits might come into play for some family subscriptions
Degree of certainty is the difference
You need to set up a publicly accessible device (in this case the VPS) as your IPv6 gateway
So you set up your VPN connecting your network to the VPS (should probably be set up from the router) and set your router to advertise an IP adress for the VPS which is routable from your local network as the gateway address (and should probably also run DHCPv6 for your network)
(note, I have not set up this stuff myself so I can’t help with implementation details)
64 bit counters are enough
Technically the choice of 1st January 1970 is itself a reference to the gregorian calendar
Robots can definitely flip burgers.
Some can even do it twice!
Exclusively using Discord as a support channel should get you banned from the internet
An application password, basically
We know of apparent paradoxes, like the conflict between quantum gravity and relativistic gravity
Being unbound by logic / information theory would make it impossible to reason about anything at all
Look up rules for “constructive dismissal” in your jurisdiction. Not being given work can be counted as firing
The real problem with VM setups is that the host system might have crashed too
Eh, the patent office hasn’t had standards for practically for like a century, just that you describe a novel method
Already broken
8K resolution refers to an image or display resolution with a width of approximately 8,000 pixels. 8K UHD (7680 × 4320)
The number refers to the horizontal resolution. FHD is nearly 2K pixels wide, just as 4K resolutions are nearly 4K pixels wide, although FHD is the typical term for the resolution and QHD is more commonly called 2K instead than FHD
Still relevant. Current plans involve stuff like removing pretty much all social security, defunding research, potentially even banning vaccines (!)