Also romanticised in the famous novel The Neverending Story.
Also romanticised in the famous novel The Neverending Story.
That sounds awfully complicated for home use.
Zero trust, but you have to use Amazon AWS, Cloudflare, and make your own Telegram bot? And have the domain itself managed by Cloudflare.
Sounds like a lot of trust right there… Would love to be proven wrong.
You should worry about your writing skills. Try some punctuation, for starters.
US miles, or Scottish, or Swedish, or what? Reusing a word for a different meaning is never the solution.
Amazing. One person asks a really good question, another comes up with the really good answer. I love it!
That is a very different picture, isn’t it!
Could you please plot this as a 100% area chart instead?
Let’s get upset about all the mutilated African girls instead, yes?
Mattermost runs as a Docker container and is excellent. You can create channels and groups which is incredibly useful.
Thank you! I feel I am close to success but still not there yet. This AIO includes a reverse proxy, but I already have one (NPM).
I’ve seen and applied the docs for how to route with my own reverse proxy, and I come to the point where it’s all installed and started.
But then - that button “open your Nextcloud↗️” does not work :'( and I think it’s because it still requires something from its own proxy? The docs aren’t clear on this.
The logs say “failed to fetch discovery endpoint from”
I want to use a flavor of AIO that is just Nextcloud and does not expect any specific certs and proxy and stuff. Just take care of the inside stuff, and let me do the outside stuff.
And amazing is is. It has almost completely replaced my use of Google Photos 👍
If only I could manage to get Nextcloud running on my Docker server.
I have tried many times but always fail. It’s infuriating because I am running 20+ other things without problems. Why is NC so hard??
Because it’s not our fucking choice, you imbecile. Corporate does as corporate wants. I can’t install your precious penguin on my work machine, okay??!
Objection. I ran Ubuntu for 6 years but returned to Windows because too many things were just a little bit too odd, too off, too hands-on-config-files.
To be fair, the newer versions of Windows suck hard. 10 was really bad, 11 is horrific. I dream of going to Debian some day.
I’ve been trying to, and it would be easy enough with individual users having an @gmail account. My situation is ten people on a custom domain (anyone remember “Google apps for your domain”?) and that is particularly difficult to extricate from!
brittle… ness-ity?
I love you!
Yeah, so if I don’t see it coming, I’m not scared.