For real this seems like a major red flag.
Cool, now make the search useful again by letting me do -thingIdon’twant or “thing I do want” in quotes. Why did that functionality even go away? Search is such garbage now that tries to get you to click on shit you didn’t search for.
I love the content/creators, but hate the company that runs it. Sadly, unless you are willing to give up the channels you love there isn’t much in the way of alternatives.
What is the reason for removing search functionality? Is it really just to make it harder to find what people want and potentially be served more ads? Hopefully never goes on the chopping block.
Same, I had a knee-jerk angry reaction until I saw that it was free.
Yeah, I was about to say, 99% of people are either unaware or do not care. Don’t mistake Lemmy’s privacy opinions as representative of the general population.