No judgements, hope you and your doggo is happy.
No judgements, hope you and your doggo is happy.
I was a mix-up that was quickly resolved because the baby they gave my mom had the wrong bits. It happened again with my sibling. And my other sibling. For the exact same reasons. We all joke that none of us are really related.
But it really makes you think…
It’s good that you were able to quote the regulations. You’re not wrong, I’m just apathetic; the question was more rhetorical. To be clear: I don’t have faith that this is strong enough to deter and/or that governing policies have enough teeth to enforce. I’d like to be wrong, but I’m not hopeful.
Or what? A slap on the wrist?
I was always told the bugs use moonlight for navigation, and artificial light of any kind throws them off. But as a kid, I didn’t question it and there was no reason to verify or prove it. It was simple and made sense. I’m not saying my interpretation was common sense, but I also never heard someone say bugs fly to light for warmth. My 7 yr old ass would probably question how bugs existed before fire or something stupid.
Let’s not also forget the fleet of passenger aircraft for distinguished persons, maintained by the military, with everything custom made and embroidered with presidential seals and produced in the USA and run through vigorous inspection to prevent microphone or pagers or something inside your soap dispenser.