Seconded! I’m right handed but still browse primarily with my left hand.
Seconded! I’m right handed but still browse primarily with my left hand.
Can’t beat a model M. First time used one was at work. GE used to deploy a variant of the Model M with their Cariolab and Maclab workstations. Had its own custom key cap set specifically for their application functions. So satisfying to type on.
Tactile > Clicky, sorry. Lubed and filmed Boba U4 all day.
I second biking. Cycling is great way to exercise and see the world around you.
I bought a 2lbs container of it off Amazon.
I can’t add anything concerning stringing that the other comment didn’t already cover, so I’ll ask about the gaps.
Have you tried upping the flow rate to fill them in? The other option I’ve used in the past was lowering my Z Offset if the flow was alright.
Keep in mind that changing your flow rate will likely also cause you have to mess with your retraction settings again.