Similar, I’m assuming gmail is a no go? I feel like theoretically it should work but it’s not. However, this may be because I’m using -> docker, but something’s fucked up with my domain’s SSL and it’s signed by itself. It gives the browser a big huge 'ol unsecured warning, so I would assume that because that’s messed up it’s causing gmail to not accept it? I’ve opened a ticket with them, so eventually maybe I can figure out if that’s the case, I’ve never had a problem pointing namecheap domains to anything before.
It says this, but I assure you, the password is correct.
lemmy_server::api_routes_websocket: email_send_failed: permanent error (535): 5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at5.7.8 [long chain of numbers and letters I'm not sure matter] - gsmtp
The settings
# Email sending configuration. All options except login/password are mandatory
email: {
# Hostname and port of the smtp server
smtp_server: ""
smtp_login: ""
smtp_password: "[the password]"
# Address to send emails from, eg ""
smtp_from_address: ""
# Whether or not smtp connections should use tls. Can be none, tls, or starttls
tls_type: "tls"
I also did start stattls and that didn’t work. Tried swapping ports around, nope.
edit: fixed the ssl issue with, they just had a configuration wrong, but tbf lemmy support was added literally yesterday
A reminder that there are many firefox forks that exist if base firefox is adding unwanted things or you might have different wants, but sites will still “see” firefox in terms of compatibility. I’m using Librewolf with some annoyances (it doesn’t let things fingerprint to the point that it can’t even get your current time), but overall I like it.