They just fell out of the sky?
Professional shitposter, occasionally gives out useful information.
They just fell out of the sky?
Theseusaurus, if you replace a dino skeleton’s bones, with one from a different digsite, one bone at a time, would it still be the same dino?
Baking my own bread. I am completely spoiled now and can’t go back to cardboard.
Surprising! I would have expected more from people killing animals for fashion!
Exactly. And does this hold up if you let both groups analyse faces for 48 hours straight? I doubt so.
Maybe microwave a bowl of water and some vanilla extract? Not sure if that is more than a temp fix
Or it checks for the one without spacing and doesn’t remove the whitespace.
So LED screens are basically just 25 inc lamps?
Send them 30gig of characters
So nickname is a nickname for an ekename, gotcha.
So when Google removed don’t be evil, they really meant it. It shows more and more each day.
I’m using this in every language I speak from now on!