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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • I assume that the submarine producer gives stats like empty weight from which the current weight can be calculated.

    However, weight isn’t the important thing in a sub. It’s the weight to volume ratio, or buoyancy.

    A sub sinks when buoyancy is negative and rises if the buoyancy is positive.

    There are three common ways to achieve the changing buoyancy: the most simple one is a vessel with positive buoyancy adding droppable weights until the buoyancy is negative.

    Other ways are a neutral buoyancy vessel that uses it’s engine power to push itself up or down. Or a vessel that can change it’s buoyancy by filling up tanks with water (to reduce buoyancy below neutral) and blow them out with air or other gases lighter than water (to raise buoyancy above neutral). A combination of several methods is also possible.

  • Hey, welcome, fellow noob!

    I hopped on the Linux train maybe 20 years ago and haven’t had any non unix system in maybe 15 years.

    Also, I don’t know anything much. I can do basic tasks with a Terminal, but I don’t think for example I could install Arch from scratch. Or if I’d accidentally opened VIM, I’d have to kill power to get out again. But I like to tinker. If you like to tinker it’s a big plus, otherwise things, that don’t work instantly, might get frustrating.

    As others said, use a pre built distro + DE environment, especially if you don’t really know what you do. Another thing that I’d recommend: a distro that be backed up easily. So you can tinker and start over, if necessary.

    If I don’t know, how to fix a thing, I usually look up my question online. The problem with that is: I’ll find solutions containing commands that I don’t know, what they do. I have “fixed” my OS to death before, so it’s always nice to have a recent backup.

    Ubuntu is the biggest, although it’s not old-school like win98 and comes with idealistic problems for many people. If you didn’t really enjoy it, I wouldn’t go back, just because it has the biggest community. Community isn’t only about size.

    Mint is rock solid, I’ve run that a long time with different DEs.

    Another distro, I can’t really recommend (as I haven’t used it further than live USB yet), but might be very interesting for you, is MX Linux. It comes with simple DEs and more importantly: a ton of GUI tools (including a back up tool where you can back up the entire OS including apps and settings as a flash USB).

    I don’t know, if I was able to help anything. I just wanted to reassure, that there are (maybe even many) Linux users that don’t really know what they do.

    As with many skills in life, I believe, the best way to learn is by just doing it. There will be failures. And each failure is a big opportunity to learn something.

  • The article is about an experiment, where people are exposed to 35°C wet bulb temperatures, but in different settings. Sometimes lower temperatures but higher humidity, sometimes vise versa, but always 35°C wet bulb temperature.

    So far the assumption was, that humans can’t survive a 35°C wet bulb temperature for longer than 6 hours. And at current warming this is unlikely to be naturally the case within this century.

    However the experiment gives hints to believe that humans can’t survive at lower wet bulb temperatures either. It looks like with lower temperatures and higher humidity, humans can get very close to that 35°C wet bulb temperature, however people seem to struggle more with higher temperatures and lower humidity.

    A possible explanation could be, that while more sweat evaporates in lower humidity, the body has a limit for how much sweat it can produce. And if you keep raising the temperature, that the human body simply can’t produce enough sweat to cool itself.

    That’s pretty much what I took away from the article. They mentioned they experiment with several people, however the article was mainly about on person in the experiment, a 30ish year old, athletic male.

    Edit: add some graphs from the article. Sorry for low quality, but as you said, the layout is quite atrocious and on my phone it keeps jumping around on it’s own, so I lost patience.

  • I also thought about wet bulb and checked the humidity in Delhi, which seems to be just 7 % or so. According to wet bulb calculators that’s still good, like around 23 °C wet bulb.

    Interestingly the wet bulb temperature calculators that I tried only work until 50 °C, so that was what I put in.

    At 50 °C you need about 35 % humidity to get to 35 °C wet bulb.

    Regarding your second point: If I’m not mistaken, the hottest month in the region is around May. The temperature is influenced by monsoons, and although the sun peaks higher in summer, it is generally also more cloudy and rain cools of the surface. That’s why usually temperatures peak just before rain season.

  • It is far from over.

    We are currently doing the easy part of dropping emmissions. We have not yet peaked, globally speaking. Then we need to get to zero.

    The only possible pathway now is overshoot and return. Which means we depend on carbon removal in a big style, in whatever form that will be.

    It also means we will go temporarily over 2 °C. That is a critical number where several tipping points could be reached.

    Pretty much the hardship has just begun. Now we need to stop emitting completely, somehow in the same time start to remove atmospheric CO² and hope that while we will be over 2 °C that no crucial tipping points will be reached.

  • Very interesting and ambitious mission.

    I just read a little about it. Going to the far side is by far more complicated as going to the side that faces Earth. As communication will be lost as soon as the rocket is behind the moon.

    In order to keep contact, there are 2 lunar satellites launched acting as a bridge.

    The far side is believed to have a very different composition compared to the near side and part of this mission is to find out why.

    Any thoughts, ideas?

    I thought maybe the far side receives much more impacts as it’s not protected by Earth, so maybe has much more “imported” materials from different areas of space while the near side is still much more Earth like. But that would probably just be surface, I don’t know.

  • I hope I just had bad experience, but I have the aqua with backlight. About 2 years in, the display got terrible; hardly any contrast, especially in the edges. About 3 years in, the rubber buttons just crumbled away; so no more waterproof.

    Can’t read anyways anymore, the contrast by now is like egg white on snow white. Didn’t mistreat, it was always stored dry and in no direct sunlight.

  • I’m not denying the science, it is mathematically possible and I actually love the science behind it and reading about it.

    I just say we are not yet near fusion power, I think. ITER will start experiments probably this decade. After that they plan to build DEMO, a follow up project which will deliver a little power.

    Keep in mind that these reactors are very difficult to built, still. It takes decades to build even without delays.

    Fusion is a beautiful source of energy, but it’ll still take time. I don’t think for example that fusion will play a major role in the transition away from fossil fuels as that needs to happen much faster.

  • Mathematically net positive. As calculating the fusion’s released energy versus what was needed to get it there. As far as I know there is no technology yet on how to utilize and extract that energy. So zero kWh produced for now.

    Then you still have loss in the generators or turbines. And then it needs to be able to run 24/7 instead of split seconds, which brings the problem of how to add fuel constantly and how to remove the fusion’s results.

    It might be possible but I doubt we are somewhat near.