What’s the difference between a strait and a channel?
Or mesa, plateau, or butte?
Plateau and mesa are differentiated by scope. Plateau covers a very large area, mesa is like a cut-off mountain (it’s localised)
Mesa is basically a flat top mountain. Plateau is a flat area on any ‘hill’ and a butte is a column with a flat top.
Is this the map to Conan: Exiles?
wth is Isthmus
It’s the narrow piece of land that connects two land masses.
Not to be confused with Isildur, the oldest son of Elendil and the brother of Anárion.
Are they just fucking with us on that one
I think they forgot “escarpment.” Then again it doesn’t get used a lot. Also scree slope, bluff, ravine, and a host of other smaller things are missing. And I suspect even if they got all of those things, they’d forget “crick” which is a creek that dries up in summer.
Whenever I see this image, I want to play minecraft.
That’s supposed to say “cave” right? Not cove? (Which I always took to be a sort of micro bay)
I think that might be an ‘a’ but def looks like it could be cove with how low resolution the image is. I suppose that is appropriate, all of my school materials seemed to be photocopies of photocopies.
I had this exact poster hanging in my classroom when I taught fourth grade in 2005-2006.